Oban Global Trustees
Oban Global Trustees, a pioneer of commisssion free investing, gives you access to investing and more ways to make your money work harder for you. Whether you're new to investing or a seasoned pro, it's time to partner with a company that believes you could and should be getting more from your money.
Oban Global Trustees is dedicated to helping investors around the world reach
their desired investment goals and broaden their financial horizons.
We provide investment products and solutions to our clients across the world. Our
breadth of investment capabilities is extensive and among the most innovative within the
Oban Global Trustees was founded on a simple but revolutionary idea that an
investment company
should be run for the sole benefit of its investors. And so Oban Global Trustees was
designed to be
different, removing outside owners and outside interests from the equation. Because of
our investor-owned structure, Oban Global Trustees success can only be measured by
your success.
With over 49 K users, Oban Global Trustees is the best platform to get started investing on cryptocurrency. It is the easiest platform for beginners to easily get into cryptocurrency.
Simply open a new account to get started.
Make deposit from any of our plans that is convenient for you.
Withdraw to your wallet at your convenient or reinvest to earn more.
Our primary focus has been on emerging and rapid growth investment markets with an emphasis on Forex (PAMM/MAM), Cryptocurrencies and other top performing investment solutions. We are proud to work to the highest ethical standards of Bitcoin mining and other trading strategies. We are pleased to offer some of the most dynamic and high-performing investment packages available.
In Active Investments
Active Investment Accounts
Total gross interest earned by investors to date
Years of Experience
Fixed Deposit (FD) Is an organized investment package that allows you as an investor to manage your Bitcoin account with a higher interest rate other than the ordinary investment packages,this involves depositing and making withdrawals ‘monthly or yearly’.
In this package, you either do the fixed deposit ‘starter plan or standard plan’ and having in mind that no withdrawals are to be made until the agreed monthly or yearly date. No separate account is needed in this package, you can start with a direct fixed deposit account or migrate from your ordinary account to it, and no fees are to be paid to do this. In a fixed investment, investors are opportune to get a 28% weekly interest for the starter plan and 56% weekly interest rate for the standard plan.. This also means that the stater plan minimum deposit is with the range of $300 to $9,999(maximum). And standard to be (minimum) $9,999 to unlimited.
You are also eligible to request for a premature withdrawal from your fixed deposit funds in case of any emergency or sudden financial situations. However,as a certain amount of penalty will be paid to achieve this, having the knowledge of not withdrawing till the agreed time with cost you 5% of your investment from the company both in starter and standard plan has same deductions in this case. Furthermore, not been able to roll up with the weekly deposit of the fixed funds deposit will attract your account to be frozen by the company and to unfreeze this comes with a deposit of the Company’s ordinary minimum investment which is the deposit of $200 to activate your fixed account permanently.
We offer our investors access to high-growth In terms of Loan offer from the company, Oban Global Trustees COMPANY grants this offer from two(2) ways “ The Semi-Annual Offer” and “ The Annual Offer “...
You are only eligible to apply for loan from the company only when you must have been an active investor with at least two(2) active referrals under your name, and this two referred must have invested respectively in accordance with the company.
You should also note that, while paying back your loan Installmental Payments are not allowed!!!... this condition is applied both in Semi-Annual Offer and Annual Offer.
This plan range it’s loan offer from $5,000 to $49,999. No charges or interest is required, the deadline for this loan offer is for the period of six(6) months, given a minimum Grace of two(2) weeks.
This offer range from $50,000 to $ 100,000.
2% of the loan or Bitcoin borrowed will be paid as the company’s interest in low returns. It’s deadline is for the period of twelve(12) months ie within a year, minimum Grace of two(2) weeks.
We offer our investors access to high-growth investment opportunities in the financial markets through the utility of state-of-the-art technical facilities and the implementation of industry standard cryptocurrency trading strategies.
We’re proud to be an asset management company whose culture is driven by strong values and a long-term vision. At Oban Global Trustees Investments, our vision, mission and core values serve as the catalyst in our relations with our clients, employees, shareholders and in the communities in which we live and work. They are our guiding compass in our business each day.
Due to the professionalism of our employees and the introduction of cutting-edge trading facilities, we manage to provide top-quality investment services at minimal costs. We currently have about 15 million plus investors globally and about 90-120 new investment accounts opened daily.
Open an Account NowMinimum investment rate
The Revolution In asset investments Management
We offer our investors access to high-growth investment opportunities in the financial
through the utility of state-of-the-art technical facilities and the implementation of
industry standard cryptocurrency trading strategies.
We are pleased to offer some of the most dynamic and high-performing
investments services available.
We use the reviews of our investors as the yard stick to
measure how well or otherwise we are doing in the dispensation of our services to our
investors all over the world.
We are always happy to share the positive reviews of our
investors and improve on the areas we have been found wanting.
I've had incredible customer service since i started investing here, I'm a repeat investor. I've been investng with Oban Global Trustees. Investments for nearly 3 years now and i've loved every bit of the experience so far.
Ron DiCicco Florida, United StatesTransparent, profitable, and reliable bitcoin investment company that will make you real money. Thanks to all of you at Oban Global Trustees for the excellent service.
Diane Podmanik Budapest, HungaryI have always been searching for an opportunity to earn on bitcoin and finally I found Oban Global Trustees and they have proven to be very reliable since i've been investing with them.
Joe Tantillo Prague, Czech RepublicOban Global Trustees
Modern day agriculture won't be realistic without some of the most expensive machineries put in place for it. Agriculture is the future of industrial raw material and the world food supply.
Oban Global Trustees being a diversified and forward thinking investment company, has ventured into this sector of investment... Today, Oban Global Trustees channels it's resources into it's various farms spread across the globe in order to generate daily profit for it's investors and secure the future of global food supply.
Bitcoin mining is the process of creating new bitcoin by solving a computational puzzle. Bitcoin mining is necessary to maintain the ledger of transaction upon which bitcoin is based. Miners have become very sophisticated over the last few years... Oban Global Trustees have through the years been part of the bitcoin mining sector. Oban Global Trustees having a pool of professional crypto miners uses complex machinery to speed up mining process .
Real estate is a $217 trillion-dollar market making up almost 60% of all global wealth. It's the largest source of wealth, yet it is illiquid for 99% of the world today. In the past, you only had access to real estate if you were rich or had rich friends–meaning that most people weren't able to benefit from the passive income and capital appreciation it provides.. Today, Oban Global Trustees cut out the expensive middle man and provide access for investors, by investing in shares of real estate using crypto currencies.
Investment in construction means the possibility of “a project intended to ensure not only the full recovery (reintegration) of the capital invested in its construction and rental, but also to create additional financial revenue adequate to cover capital interest (own capital or third- party capital) as well as to remunerate entrepreneurial management activity and its risk.
Forex trading covers about 5trillion dollars daily by just the act of trading foreign currencies and precious assets. It comes with a lot of strategies . Oban Global Trustees has successfully secured 0.04% of the daily forex revenue by effective use of Technical and fundamental Analysis, Fibonacci etC. This serves as a high way of generating a lot of revenue for investors.
We have a wide array of investment plans for our investors to choose from.
Choose from the options below the investment plan which best suits you.
We have a wide array of investment plans for our investors to choose from.
Choose from the options below the investment plan which best suits you.
With employees in more than 40 locations
worldwide, our operations extend across global
financial capitals and important regional centres. This brings us closer to
our investors
around the world, and provides invaluable asset management and
investments services to our investors.
We combine our deep knowledge of local markets with the power of coordinated
oversight to drive better investment outcomes for you.
Guaranted protection. When we say that you are secured we really mean it. We have built one of the world most sophisticated security system that have never been compromised. Members records are kept confidential from third parties.
Our company is fully regulated by the FCA and CySec and your funds are, additionally, covered by our insurance policy so you don't have to worry about losing your invested capital.
Bringing together the specialist areas of expert investment management and holistic financial advice to provide you with a robust and personalised strategy for achieving your financial objectives.
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